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Audity is a B2B system designed for the document auditing process, with a focus on ensuring traceability and preserving the integrity of data and information within the business-to-business (B2B) environment.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

Audity is an innovative prototype system designed for conducting audits, ensuring traceability, and preserving the integrity of data and information in the business-to-business (B2B) environment. Built on Blockchain technology, this system possesses the capability to provide robust protection and control over data access while enabling detailed audit processes. Furthermore, Audity offers advanced functionalities for managing licenses and tracking the flow of shared documents within the context of B2B relationships. In summary, Audity stands as a versatile tool that champions security, transparency, and traceability in business operations between trading partners.

How it's Made

Audity is a web platform that utilizes three fundamental components: a web server, smart contracts, and integration with a web3 wallet (Metamask). The individual modules are described as follows:

Web Server: This server employs Node.js, Express.js, and Handlebars technologies, making the web application of the SSR (Server Side Rendering) type.

Smart Contracts: These smart contracts are deployed on the Scroll testnet (Scroll Sepolia Testnet), a layer 2 solution on the Ethereum blockchain. They are developed using the Solidity programming language, Truffle framework and OpenZeppelin smart contracts standard are employed.

Web3 Wallet: The web3 wallet implementation is designed as a point of interaction between the user and the application, serving as an access control feature. Additionally, it is used for executing transactions on the blockchain and facilitating communication with smart contracts. This functionality is essential to maintain the application's decentralization. For this purpose, both Metamask and the Ether.js library are implemented.

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