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Assethub is a DAO tool for creators that facilitates collaboration by connecting originally fragmented asset creator senses, and builds interoperability that allows worldbuilders to assemble with diverse content.


Created At

ETHSanFrancisco 2022

Winner of

🤝 Lens Protocol — Integration

9️⃣ IPFS & Filecoin — Top 9

Project Description

We have developed a DAO tool to help build a metaverse primarily for 3D creators. We used LENS protcol and The Graph to solve the problem of interoperability between 3D assets, which we discovered in communication with Apecoin during the hackathon, to promote communication between creators and to help them collaborate with each other. We created an application that allows users to mint 3D assets created in the UnrealEngine editor using IPFS in order to promote collaboration and to allow the secondary use of assets without worry.

How it's Made

Lens Protocol

  • By utilizing Lens Protocol as a key element of content collaboration, we were able to express the most important link between people and content in a social graph, which is not possible with simple SNS and is the most important aspect of our product.

We also used the profile of Lens protocol as the creator's profile and DAO itself as a profile, so that it can be handled as a social graph, including affiliations, etc. By recording the fact that a user has registered for this service as a creator in the user's profile attribute, it is possible to separate the user's profile from that of normal users on the site.

  • In addition, the Publication of content is used as a means of registering 3D assets, and when a secondary creation is made, it can be registered as a Publication hashtag, allowing the history of the content to be tracked. This allows for fair distribution of the reputation and revenue of the creators who inspired the content, which was previously ambiguous.


  • With Unlock, we were able to offer multiple forms of participation in DAO, as well as an access path to an ever-growing body of content in the form of subscriptions. While the extent to which creators share their own work is important to them, there are aspects of IPFS that make it difficult to achieve limited access. In addition, creators are allowed to share their work for free, but in the future they may want to limit access to those who have purchased the work for a fee in order to monetize it.

  • By using Unlock, the above situation can be realized by airdropping free NFTs to DAO members for a limited period of time. (Using the Lit protocol, it is possible to encrypt/compound content on IPFS according to Unlock's NFT holdings. In addition, subscriptions have made it possible to monetize AsseHub content while accessing it in a way that is familiar to traditional creators.

IPFS & Filecoin

  • The nature of openly sharing content and leveraging it across all mediums has allowed us to The ability to openly share content and leverage it in any medium made it possible for assets registered on the app to be used in other UnrealEngine-based editor applications running in the browser.

  • In combination with the Litprotocol, content on IPFS can be encrypted based on NFT ownership status and other factors, enabling both open format data utilization and limited access.

  • This was essential in building a gradient that allows creators to use the data freely while collaborating in an open manner and selling it to fans and users.

Polygon - in a way that even creators unfamiliar with the realm of crypto would feel comfortable with. We are using it as a scalable network that can be utilized in a way that even creators who are not familiar with the realm of crypto will feel comfortable with.

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