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The project is an oracle for tokenizing things from real life. Each user can tokenize their property, and then put it on the marketplace.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Our project is an oracle for real-world assets. We have developed an application using Next.js, wagmi, and rainbowkit, Solidity, viem. It is important to note that we do not use a traditional backend - instead, we rely on smart contracts.

Users can create requests to create a collection of their real-world assets. These requests then enter a pending status. Verifiers can view these requests in their admin panel, where they can review the request, attached documents, and set a price for the asset. They can create a collection using smart contracts and assign the person who made the request as the owner of the collection.

Afterwards, the user can specify the total number of tokens they want in their collection and mint the collection tokens. These tokens can be traded, listed on a marketplace, gifted to anyone, and used to create a DAO around the asset.

In summary, our project for the hackathon focuses on being an oracle for real-world assets. We leverage smart contracts to create collections of assets and enable token trading based on these assets. We aim to create a decentralized marketplace for exchange, gifting, and DAO creation around these assets.

How it's Made

This project was created using contracts in the Solidity language, the frontend and part of the backend are written using Next.js. As a basis for us, we took an open source template. Also we use web3 libraries for better user experience, such as wagmi, rainbowkit, viem. For deploying our contracts we use Remix.

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