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Gasless Cross-chain ApeCoin payment protocol implemented on an NFT marketplace.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of

🥈 ApeCoin DAO — Most innovative

🏆 Chainlink — Best Use of CCIP/Functions

🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

We've built an intent-based cross-chain payment protocol focused on ApeCoin utilization. We implemented the protocol to a simple NFT marketplace to showcase the capabilities of the payment solution.

With AnyApe, users won't need to bridge their funds from other chains to the chain where the marketplace was built. Instead, users just need to specify their intent, which, in this case, buy an NFT, select from which chain they'd like to pay, and then AnyApe will take care of the rest.

With the combination of Coment's account abstraction and Chainlink's CCIP, we want to streamline the NFT marketplace UX. The former will allow users to create an account right in our dApp and enjoy a seamless and gasless web3 experience. While the latter will enable users to pay for the NFT, they're purchasing despite having their funds on another chain. 

Considering the limited amount of supported chains by both Cometh and Chainlink, AnyApe only supports Polygon Mumbai and Avalanche Fuji (Both testnets). If more chains added to Cometh and Chainlink's CCIP, we can further expand AnyApe supported networks.

AnyApe is also applicable to:

  • Launchpad
  • GameFi AppChain
  • Lending and Borrowing protocol
  • DeFi protocol that supports multichain
  • Multichain Governance

Note that to be able to function properly, AnyApe needs to be run on Chrome.

Additional Repositories: Smart Contracts: Subgraph:

How it's Made

AnyApe uses

  • ApeCoin as the main multi-chain payment currency.
  • Cometh's Account Abstraction SDK allows users to create accounts across various supported chains. 
  • Chainlink CCIP allows users to pay from another chain when purchasing NFT on AnyApe seamlessly.
  • The Graph for data indexing, such as listed NFTs.
  • Filecoin to store NFTs metadata.
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