A set of smart contracts and modules to bring lower gas costs for multisig wallets on EVM rollups via aggregated BLS signatures
If you have used a multisig wallet, you might have probably noticed the higher gas fees that you paid in comparison to a regular EOA. We have created a set of smart contracts that implements a BLS-based signature aggregator, to validate aggregated signatures of multisig wallets.
We designed two implementation:
Aggregation Auth Module for Safe Wallet:
Module: Instead of taking a signature field, it takes an aggregated signature. The module then calls the validateTxSignature on the aggregator contract with the following arguments: list of public address, aggregated signature, message hash
ERC-4337 BLS multi-sig aggregator
Background: ERC-4337 Account Abstraction introduces a singleton contract called the entrypoint to execute bundles of UserOperations. Bundlers/Clients whitelist the supported entrypoint.
Signature Aggregation for multi-owner accounts Multisig Account:
This project uses BLS signatures to efficiently reduce callData cost to verify multisig wallet signatures. We have mainly built on top of ERC-4337 Account Abstraction and Safe Contracts. We deployed our contracts on optimistic rollups and zk-rollups where calldata cost is the main cost reduction.