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Forum app for discussions/posts using Polybase and Remix (React).


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of

👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

3orum is a forum app using Polybase as the database and Remix (React) for the frontend/backend. The UI and features were inspired by Flarum.


  • discussions and replies
  • uploading of avatars
  • basic controls - editing & deleting posts


  • speed for queries and updates as well as subscriptions is very fast - similar to Supabase
  • Polybase's React library is easy to use and will make adoption easy
  • at its core, both the SDK and Polybase basics is easy to use/configure

Future Things to add for the future could be:

  • administrative controls - forum wide settings, user groups, configuring tags and permission, etc.
  • media - e.g. attachments with a service that is faster and more reliable than IPFS
  • direct messaging
  • address notification for replies - maybe with a service like Push
  • general improvements as Polybase matures e.g. more complex queries and filters to allow things like multiple tags per post or post history for edits, support for common data types, relationships and advanced features that come with databases
  • make it as a service e.g. visit a site where you can deploy your own copy of the forum code / collections

How it's Made

Main tools used for 3orum are:

  • Polybase - database for data (discussions, posts, tags, user info) and client tools (SDK and auth provider)
  • Remix (React) - web framework and fetching data mostly serverside
  • Mantine - React UI components e.g. text editor and modals
  • - deployment & hosting
background image mobile

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